Teaching Italian online by Parola's teachers

Online Italian Courses of The Period

In this period in which we necessarily have to stay at home, some of our students have opted for online Italian lessons. And of course, Parola school had to adapt to this situation: our Italian language teachers, who already had a good experience with online Italian courses, refined, improved and dealt with online tutoring very efficiently.

The Critical Issues Encountered in Our Online Tutoring

Nonetheless, teaching online has shown certain critical issues that teachers have encountered at the beginning of their Italian language programs in remote, and continue to face, with more or less impact, during their online language lessons.

The first difficulty has been choosing the platform. There are many platforms on the WWW but the most reliable are undoubtedly Skype, Google Hangouts and Windows Meet.

What Are The Best Platforms

Our Italian language teachers have understood that Skype is certainly the best for one-on-one courses, while Hangouts (among the non-paid platforms) is the one that guarantees more stability with 5 or 6 people. Certainly, for large online classes, such as 7 or 8 people, Zoom is an excellent platform, even though it is not for free, but most importantly with great flaws in the defense of privacy.

A second difficulty has been to develop the lessons in a lighter, fun and usable way. Online Italian lessons are didactically more stressful, and time consuming, and require multiple breaks during teaching to ensure a constant and alert concentration of all language students.

The last, but not least, there has been an other obstacle, which is also the search for the right teaching online material. The texts, videos, and exercises must, in fact, adapt to the use of distance learning. Therefore, some exercises carried out on site are not necessarily good for online use. Therefore, it is not at all easy to choose, use and sometimes share the teaching material.

Teaching Italian Online Can be a Viable Alternative

In conclusion, the period imposed a sudden change in the way of teaching we were not prepared for, both from the didactic point of view and from the tools to be used to give lessons remotely. Parola Italian language school is slowly adapting to these new educational standards.

Teaching online, if properly developed, with less heavy grammar, conversation, shorter duration and a little bit of lightness, can be a valid alternative to the classic language teaching.

Contact Parola Italian Language School To Learn Online

For further information, call +39 055 242182 or +39 329 8992420. You can also write to us: info@parola.it.

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