Italian Language Courses in Chinese at Parola

Group and Individual Italian Language Lessons in Chinese

Chinese students

Parola Italian language school offers a dedicated Italian language course taught in Chinese at its headquarters in Florence.

This Italian language program in Chinese is developed to help to understand the important and relevant rules of Italian grammar at its first stages for all Chinese students who want to learn Italian and, at the same time, have an extra linguistic support in their mother tongue.

Italian For Absolute Beginner Students From China

Absolute beginners students from China, Chinese managers, Chinese businessmen might benefit from our Italian language course in Chinese, which is held at our headquarters in the historic center of Florence in Borgo Santa Croce, 4, near the Church of Santa Croce.

Parola Italian language school offers an Italian first level course with Chinese explanations and handouts in Mandarin to help out China students with the Italian language, which is becoming more and more important for all business transactions between Italy and China.

The Italian language and Italian culture, in general, are very requested for the appeal that Italy has for the Chinese society and the Chinese tourism that has become a very important business in Italy.

Price of an Italian Language Course in Chinese

Usually, Italian language courses with Chinese explanations are one-on-one lessons and each hour has a price of 30 euros.

Our Italian language school also provides handouts and extra educational material about Italy. Parola offers free time activities for free in Florence for all its international students as well.

In case there is a group of students, more than 3, who want to do an Italian language program taught in Chinese, the school Parola can organize a dedicated group Italian language course in Chinese.

Price List of our Language Lessons in Chinese

Individual Italian language course in Chinese:

  • 30 euros per hour (individual lesson)
  • Group Italian language course in Chinese: 15 euros per hour for each student

Please, contact Parola school in case you are interested in this type of Italian language program, to see the availability of our language programs in the Chinese language.

Why Learning Italian Language Using Chinese

There is a variety of reasons why Italian language students who come from eastern countries might need to be linguistically supported with Chinese:

  • Businessmen from China who need to learn Italian in a short amount of time
  • Absolute beginners from China who may have difficulties in approaching the Italian language
  • Young Chinese students – at the beginning of their Italian language learning – who need a basic language support with Mandarin to feel more familiar with the Italian idiom
  • All Chinese students who might find it easier to begin with a language support in Mandarin
  • Chinese children belonging to Chinese Families
  • Chinese individuals who are working in tourism between Italy and China
  • Chinese companies who have associates or managers who need to learn Italian
  • Chinese tour guides who may benefit from learning Italian for their work in Italy

Just 3 Students to Activate a Group Italian Course in Chinese

The Group Italian language course in Chinese can only be activated with at least 3 participants.

In case, there is not the right number of students but only an individual Chinese student, the price of our Italian course with Chinese will cost 30 euros with handouts, certificate, and other materials to learn Italian with the Chinese language.

Contact Parola Language School in Florence

Contact us for further information and details about our Italian language lessons with Chinese support at our headquarters in Florence.

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